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Bewicke, Jodi

Jodi Donovan

Direct Tel: +61 2 9146 3540
Tel: +61 2 9146 3500 Fax: +61 2 9146 3600

Jodi Donovan joined Quinn Emanuel in 2016.  She is a Senior Associate in the Sydney office of the firm.

Jodi has represented clients in a broad range of complex commercial disputes, often across multiple jurisdictions.  Her practice includes financial services disputes, class action proceedings, regulatory investigations, directors’ liability and intellectual property litigation.

Jodi holds academic qualifications in Law and Arts (International Relations).  Professionally, she is dual qualified, being admitted as an attorney of State Bar of New York, in addition to her Australian qualifications. 

  • The College of Law
    (Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2014)

  • Bond University
    (Bachelor of Laws, Honours; 2013)
    (Bachelor of Arts International Relations Honours, 2013)
  • The State Bar of New York
  • The Supreme Court of NSW
  • The High Court of Australia
  • Italian