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Dr. Rudolf Hübner is a German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt) and tax advisor (Steuerberater) in the firm’s Hamburg office.  He joined Quinn Emanuel in 2019 and his practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, tax litigation and white collar crime including internal investigations. Inter alia, Rudolf has extensive experience representing clients in the context of inaccurate valuations and audits as well as (accounting) fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.

Rudolf graduated from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, where he specialized in Corporate and Tax Law.  Subsequently he worked as a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Burkhard Hess at the University of Heidelberg’s Institute for Comparative Law, the Conflict of Laws and International Business Law.  Rudolf obtained his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on the application of foreign law in German courts.  He completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Hamburg Court of Appeals) with – inter alia – a stage at the Bundesverfasungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court).

Prior to joining the firm, Rudolf worked at a first tier German law firm for over six years and specialized in tax litigation at all instances including complaints to the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) as well as related commercial litigation.  He also has professional training in banking (Bankkaufmann – with distinction by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce). 

  • University of Heidelberg, Germany
    (Ph.D.(Dr. iur), summa cum laude, 2014
  • State of Hamburg, Hamburg Court of Appeals
    (2nd State Examination, with distinction, 2012)
  • University of Heidelberg, Germany
    (1st State Examination, with distinction, 2008)
  • Germany – Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Ranked by Handelsblatt/The Best Lawyers in Germany: Ones to Watch for Litigation (2023, 2025) and Tax Law (2025)


  • Ausländisches Recht vor deutschen Gerichten (Dissertation – Foreign Law in German Courts), Mohr Siebeck Tübingen, 2014

Journal Articles and Chapters:

  • Der Zusammenhang zwischen verfassungsrechtlich zulässiger Rückwirkung von Steuergesetzen und Beraterhaftung am Beispiel der Aufhebung von § 12 Abs. 2 Satz 4 UmwStG 1995 | Finanzrundschau (FR) 2018, pages 537-544
  • Praxisforum Steuerrechtsschutz: Die Anhörungsrüge als potentielle Zulässigkeitsvoraussetzung einer Verfassungsbeschwerde | Die Unternehmemsbesteuerung (Ubg) 2018, pages 540-544 (together with Michael Hendricks)
  • Aktuelle steuerliche Fragen bei Sanierungsgewinnen | Finanzrundschau (FR) 2015, pages 865-871 (together with Markus Keuthen)
  • Die Hinzurechnung von Miet- und Pachtzinsen für Grundbesitz gem. § 8 Nr. 1 lit. e GewStG und Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG | Finanzrundschau (FR) 2015, pages 341-350
  • Cost and Fee Allocation in German Civil Procedure | Reimann, Mathias (ed.), Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil Procedure – A Comparative Study, Springer Publishing Dordrecht Netherlands, 2010, pages 151-162 (together with Burkhard Hess)
  • General Overview and Trends in the German Civil Litigation Cost System | Hodges, Christopher / Vogenauer, Stefan / Tulibacka, Magdalena (ed.), The Costs and Funding of Civil Litigation – A Comparative Perspective, Hart Publishing Oxford and Portland (Oregon), 2010, pages 349-372 (together with Burkhard Hess)
  • Die Revisibilität ausländischen Rechts nach der Neufassung des § 545 ZPO | Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2009, 3132-3135 (together with Burkhard Hess)