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Joachim is a German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt) and Partner in our Hamburg office. He is a member of the Hamburg and the Brussels bar. Joachim has extensive trial and appellate experience and has represented numerous international clients in connection with the private enforcement of damages claims as well as in complex commercial and capital markets litigation including in model case proceedings (Kapitalanlegermusterverfahren).

Joachim has particular expertise in all areas of data protection, including clients' representation before regulatory bodies. He is an expert in internal investigation and discovery proceedings and corresponding privacy issues.

Prior to joining the firm, Joachim was a lawyer at an international law firm. Before that, he worked as assistant at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law at the University of Münster.

In the JUVE Handbuch 2024/2025 Joachim has been ranked as a “Recommended Attorney” for Dispute Resolution in Germany and is called “superb” by competitors. He has been ranked by Handelsblatt/The Best Lawyers in Germany for Competition/Antitrust Law and Litigation (2025) and as “Highly Recommended” by Leaders League for Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation in Germany (2024).

  • A group of institutional investors in insolvency proceedings over the assets of Wirecard AG. This includes the representation of a large German fund manager in litigation against the insolvency administrator.
  • A group of international investors in capital markets litigation against a German car manufacturer following from the “Dieselgate” scandal.
  • Various investors in connection with a German private bank in various litigation related to the so-called Cum-/Ex scandal.
  • Various Tier 1 bondholders in litigation against (former) German state banks.
  • Various plaintiffs in cartel damages litigation following from European and German cartels.
  • State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf Court of Appeals
    (2nd State Examination, with honours, 2005)
  • University of Münster and University of Düsseldorf
    (1st State Examination, 2000)
  • The German bar (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg)
  • Registered with the Brussels Bar (E-List)
  • German
  • English
  • Allen & Overy LLP:
    • Senior Associate, 2009 – 2012
    • Associate, 2005 – 2009
  • University of Münster, Faculty of Law:
    • Assistant at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law in Münster, 2000-2003
  • Ranked by JUVE Handbuch as a “Recommended Attorney” for Dispute Resolution in Germany (2024/2025)
  • Ranked by Handelsblatt/The Best Lawyers in Germany for Competition/Antitrust Law and Litigation (2025)
  • Ranked as “Highly Recommended” by Leaders League forDispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation in Germany (2024)
  • Transfer von Mitarbeiterdaten, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht (November 2011)
  • Quoted by Der Unternehmensjurist in "Urheberrecht" (article on copyright law) (May 2011)
  • IT Outsourcing: Lessons Learned, Financier Worldwide, co-author with C. Manley (December 2010)
  • Quoted by Handelsblatt in Hohe Strafen für Datensammler (21 July 2006)
  • Löschung virenbehafteter E-Mails – Eine Radikalkur und ihre rechtlichen Folgen, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 487 (2003)
  • Member, German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltsverein)
  • Member, Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht
  • Member, Competition Litigation Forum
  • Member, GRUR
  • Member, DGRI