After securing its place as the largest and fiercest trial firm in the world, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has set its sights on conquering another challenge: becoming the first choice of companies facing major challenges, even before the litigation ever starts. Leveraging a broad spectrum of public and private sector experience in the United States and abroad, Quinn Emanuel’s newly formed Crisis Law & Strategy Practice Group will advise clients on all facets of crisis management, as well as develop effective communications and provide counsel on pressing longer-term strategic legal and policy issues. The new group is co-chaired by firm founder and Managing Partner John Quinn, communications and legal strategist Susan Estrich in Los Angeles, and former Special Counsel to the President Bill Burck in Washington, D.C. In addition to Quinn, Estrich and Burck, the group is comprised of leading specialists from around the world who possess a wealth of senior experience in the public and private sectors, including “bet-the-company” litigation: government investigations; privacy and data issues; whistleblower incidents, and communications and strategic advice on high-profile legal and policy issues.