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Athena Kontosakou and Christina Kolotourou Contribute to the James F. Rill Liber Amicorum, Published by Concurrences

Firm News
Quinn Emanuel Brussels Counsel Athena Kontosakou and Associate Christina Kolotourou contributed to a Liber Amicorum, published by Concurrences, which is a tribute to honour James F. Rill’s career and achievements in the realm of international antitrust law and policy. In their contribution chapter on “Legal Professional Privilege: A Transatlantic Perspective”, they discuss the current state of legal professional privilege in the EU and the US and examine certain aspects of the divergence between the rules governing legal professional privilege on each side of the Atlantic, the gaps and uncertainty that result from that divergence, the associated risks for corporations with operations in different jurisdictions, as well as possible ways forward. Their chapter is one of 21 essays included in the publication, all written by leading antitrust enforcers, academics and practitioners from throughout the world.

The publication is available in hardcover and online now here.

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