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Christina Kolotourou Contributes Chapter to GCR Digital Markets Guide - Fourth Edition

Firm News

Quinn Emanuel Brussels Associate Christina Kolotourou has authored the chapter, “European Union: Analysing the Impact of a Tightened Regime on Restriction of Online Sales,” featured in the Global Competition Review Digital Markets Guide – Fourth Edition.

The chapter offers a comprehensive analysis of the evolving legal landscape surrounding online sales restrictions, addressing recent decisional trends on third-party platform bans, dual pricing, and resale price maintenance (RPM) in digital markets. It also examines the key changes introduced by the revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation, the updated Guidelines on Vertical Restraints, and the implications of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Additionally, the authors explore the principal provisions of the Geo-Blocking Regulation, contextualizing them with relevant case law to offer a nuanced perspective on its application.

Read the full article here [free to view]

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