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Quinn Emanuel San Francisco Co-Managing Partner Jennifer Kash to Present Webinar: "Patent Damages: Litigation and Expert Considerations"


Jennifer Kash, Co-Managing Partner of Quinn Emanuel's San Francisco office, will speak at the upcoming webinar "Patent Damages: Litigation and Expert Considerations."  Damages is a critical issue in every patent case and it is increasing in importance as nine- and ten-figure jury awards to patent owners become more common. Unfortunately, patent damages law is one of the most complex and rapidly changing areas of the law, and damages issues are notoriously difficult to present to a jury in an understandable manner. To help IP litigators navigate these issues and to provide an overview of the current damages landscape, Practical Law, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP and Echelon Analytics are presenting a free 75-minute webinar in which presenters will discuss best practices for litigating damages issues and presenting expert damages testimony in a patent case.

Attendees will learn:
      • Best practices for litigating damages issues during key stages of a patent case, including during settlement discussions, fact and expert discovery, dispositive motions, pre-trial motions and trial.
      • Key recommendations for using your damages expert during fact and expert discovery.
      • Practical guidance for preparing and presenting expert testimony on damages and identifying holes in your opponent’s damages theory.
      • Special considerations for litigating damages claims in cases brought by non-practicing entities.

Presented By:
      • Jennifer Kash, Co-Managing Partner, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP San Francisco
      • Lance Gunderson, Managing Director, Echelon Analytics
      • Mark Baker, Editor, Practical Law
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm ET / 10:00 am – 11:15 am PT

Click here for additional webinar information or to register.