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Quinn Emanuel and Philippe Selendy Honored in The American Lawyer’s 2016 “Litigation Department of the Year” Competition


Quinn Emanuel was named a “General Litigation Finalist” and one of the top six litigation firms in the United States by The American Lawyer in its 2016 “Litigation Department of the Year” competition. The firm was recognized for a number of accomplishments, including, prominently, its partnership with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”) to take on Wall Street’s biggest banks in connection with residential mortgage-backed securities litigation.  Quinn Emanuel helped FHFA recover more than $20 billion for U.S. taxpayers in settlements with major financial institutions.  The firm was also recognized for its successes in IP, white collar, and antitrust matters, including a $100 million settlement for ViaSat in a patent case involving high-speed satellite technology, a stunning defense victory for PetroTiger CEO Joseph Sigelman in a rare Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) jury trial, and one of the largest antitrust class action settlements in history ($1.87 billion), in a cartel case against major Wall Street banks related to manipulation of the market for credit default swaps. Philippe Selendy, Chair of the firm’s Securities and Structured Finance practice, was also named the grand prize winner in The American Lawyer’s “Litigator of the Year” competition. Selendy has achieved national prominence for his lead role in the firm’s aforementioned representation of FHFA against the banks implicated in the financial crisis.