modern slavery and human trafficking statement
This is a statement under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "MSA"). It outlines the steps that Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan UK LLP ("Quinn Emanuel UK") has taken to identify and combat slavery and human trafficking in both our own operations and in our supply chains.
overview of our business
Quinn Emanuel UK is a law firm specialising in high-stakes commercial litigation and has built a reputation as one of the premier firms for complex commercial and financial disputes. Quinn Emanuel UK was established in 2008 and now has over 60 lawyers, and over 120 staff members in its London office.
As a professional services firm, our supply chain generally consists of those service providers that assist us to deliver legal services to our clients and to provide services to our employees. This includes providers of information technology, legal knowledge, transcription, translation, stationary, cleaning, and cab services.
Quinn Emanuel UK is committed to practising our business responsibly, which includes opposing slavery and human trafficking in all their forms. We expect the same from our suppliers.
our steps towards combatting modern slavery
In order to support the objectives of the MSA, we have conducted a preliminary risk assessment with respect to our business and our suppliers. Our initial assessment is, as a highly regulated professional services firm, there is a low risk of modern slavery or human trafficking within our business.
With respect to suppliers, we have identified our regular suppliers and we consider that most are low risk. Many of our suppliers are large professional services companies based in the UK and our assessment is that there is a low risk of modern slavery or human trafficking in those businesses. We have determined that cleaning companies are a potential risk area, in particular where cleaners may not speak English. We have contacted the relevant suppliers in question with regard to their obligations under the MSA.
We commit to refreshing our approach towards combatting modern slavery and human trafficking annually.
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