The Hong Kong Office
Quinn Emanuel's Hong Kong office is located in Lippo Centre at 89 Queensway, in Admiralty. We focus on high-stakes, complex international disputes. Our advocates are well-equipped to provide comprehensive services in connection with complex arbitration and litigation proceedings in jurisdictions all around the world. Our resident attorneys are leaders in their fields and are admitted to practice in multiple jurisdictions. We are fluent in a number of languages, including English, Chinese, and Korean.
We are part of a tightly-integrated team of litigators with the firm’s 34 offices in 12 countries to serve our clients all over the world. We leverage this integration to the benefit of our clients as the leading business litigation-only law firm in the world. We serve as primary counsel to clients involved in disputes in East Asia, including in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and Korea. We are also often called upon to help Asian-based clients manage disputes venued outside of Asia, in locations spanning from Kazakhstan to New York.
No other firm can match our unique combination of sophisticated, global advocacy with a local East Asian presence. We have established strong working relationships with a number of major local law firms in Asia and as such are able to provide a seamless and full range of legal services to our clients.
Our office is led by John Rhie, the chair of our Asia-Pacific arbitration practice. John is a leading expert in international arbitration and has been described as "destined to join the pantheon of stars in the Asian arbitration arena" (Asia Pacific Legal 500, 2014). John has lectured widely on international arbitration and is an adjunct professor at Seoul National University and at the Korean Supreme Court's Judicial Research and Training Institute. Carey Ramos is the senior partner of the Hong Kong office. Carey is widely-recognized as a leading individual in the field of media and intellectual property experience and antitrust. He specializes in complex business litigation and has served as an arbitrator and as counsel in major international arbitrations.
Click here for more information on career opportunities in the Hong Kong office.
昆鷹香港辦公室的負責人是李周容(John Rhie)律師,同時他也是昆鷹亞太地區仲裁業務的負責人。 John Rhie是國際仲裁領域的專家,曾被業內期刊評價為“在亞洲仲裁領域注定要成為眾人註目的明星”(《亞太法律500強》,2014年)。 John Rhie曾就國際仲裁專題廣泛發表演講,同時還在首爾國立大學及韓國最高法院司法研究與培訓中心擔任兼職教授。凱朗默 (Carey Ramos)律師是昆鷹香港辦公室的資深合夥人。 Carey Ramos是傳媒、知識產權及反壟斷領域公認的傑出律師。他專長於複雜商業訴訟,同時還曾在多起重大國際仲裁案件中分別擔任仲裁員及律師。
昆鷹香港办公室的负责人是李周容(John Rhie)律师,同时他也是昆鷹亚太地区仲裁业务的负责人。John Rhie是国际仲裁领域的专家,曾被业内期刊评价为“在亚洲仲裁领域注定要成为众人注目的明星”(《亚太法律500强》,2014年)。John Rhie曾就国际仲裁专题广泛发表演讲,同时还在首尔国立大学及韩国最高法院司法研究与培训中心担任兼职教授。凯朗默 (Carey Ramos)律师是昆鷹香港办公室的资深合伙人。Carey Ramos是传媒、知识产权及反垄断领域公认的杰出律师。他专长于复杂商业诉讼,同时还曾在多起重大国际仲裁案件中分别担任仲裁员及律师。