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Hosen, Matthew

Matthew Hosen

Of Counsel
Direct Tel: +1 206-905-7004, Direct Fax: +1 206-905-7100
Tel: +1 206 905 7000 Fax: +1 206 905 7100

Matt Hosen is Of Counsel attorney based out of Quinn Emanuel's Seattle office. His practice is focused on high-stakes commercial, antitrust and product liability litigation.  Matt began his career suing Wall Street banks for fraud relating to the collapse of the residential mortgage-backed securities market in the late 2000's.  He also gained extensive experience litigating price-fixing, market manipulation, and sham litigation antitrust claims on behalf of companies and investors harmed by anti-competitive business practices.

More recently, he has exploded onto the scene in the plaintiff mass tort bar arising from his 2015 discovery of a smoking-gun document widely known as the "Flange Report," which led to the creation of the largest mass tort in history, In re: 3M Combat Arms Earplug Prod. Liab. Litigation.  Working closely with a team of the best and largest mass tort plaintiff firms in the country, Matt has been deeply involved in all stages of this litigation, including several trials where he presented and cross-examined expert witnesses.  To date, Matt has helped obtain $300 million in verdicts for 13 U.S. Army veteran plaintiffs who served America with honor and came back with hearing loss and tinnitus after using defective hearing protection.

  • University of California, Los Angeles
    (J.D., 2013)
    • UCLA Law Review:
      • Managing Editor, Volume 60
  • University of Notre Dame
    (M.A., cum laude, Accountancy, 2007)
  • James Madison University
    (B.B.A., magna cum laude, Financial Accounting, 2006)
  • The State Bar of Washington
  • The State Bar of California
  • Ranked in The Best Lawyers in America: Ones to Watch for Commercial Litigation, 2023-2025