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Angelakos, Leonidas

Leonidas Angelakos

Direct Tel: +1 650-801-5073, Direct Fax: +1 650-801-5100
Silicon Valley
Tel: +1 650 801 5000 Fax: +1 650 801 5100

Leo Angelakos is an associate in Quinn Emanuel’s Silicon Valley office.  He joined the firm in 2017 after graduating from Harvard Law School.  Leo’s practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, with an emphasis on intellectual property.  Prior to joining the firm, Leo worked in an advisory capacity for Geneva-based diplomats at WIPO’s Standing Committee on Patent Law, where he conducted research and briefed delegates on issues relating to software patents and public health. During his time at Harvard Law, Leo was a student attorney at Harvard’s Cyberlaw Clinic, where he provided intellectual property counseling to various non-profit organizations.

  • Harvard Law School
  • (J.D., cum laude, 2017)
  • Stanford University
  • (B.A., 2012)
  • The State Bar of California