Dr. Stefan G. Fuchs is a German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt) and Counsel in Quinn Emanuel’s Stuttgart office. He joined the firm in 2019.
Stefan’s practice focuses on tech litigation with a particular emphasis on commercial litigation, mass litigation and IP litigation. He handles complex litigation matters for clients in various industries and fields, including automotive, telecommunications, medical engineering and chemistry. Stefan has represented clients before the German courts at trial and appellate level as well as before the UPC and in opposition proceedings at the EPO.
Stefan has extensive expertise in advising on strategies and technologies in high-stakes matters and bet-the-company litigation. He advises OEM on the technical and regulatory defense regarding vehicle emissions and regularly represents a major OEM before German civil courts at appellate level in this regard.
Stefan’s patent litigation work notably includes securing an important injunction for an automotive OEM in an infringement action relating to engine control technologies. He was also involved in representing a leading chemical company in its successful patent litigation campaign and in defending several major tech companies against claims in infringement actions. He has also been representing a key manufacturer of medical devices in infringement actions both as plaintiff and defendant.
Stefan graduated from the University of Freiburg. In 2019, he completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (honored by the state of Baden-Württemberg as the second best in his year). He holds a Ph.D. in law (Dr. iur.) from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (Institute of Intellectual Property Law) and obtained an LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary University of London.
Stefan is a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR) and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI).
- Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, Germany
(Second State Examination, 2019) - Queen Mary University of London, UK
(LL.M., with distinction, 2017) - Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
(Ph.D. in Law (Dr. iur.), summa cum laude, 2016) - Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
(First State Examination, 2014)
- Admitted to the German Bar (Rechtsanwaltskammer Stuttgart)
- German
- English
- Freiburg Academy of Administration and Economics
(Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Freiburg e.V.)- Lecturer, 2015-2017
- Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Institute of Intellectual Property Law
(Prof. Dr. Maximilian Haedicke)- Academic assistant, 2014-2016
- Ranked by Best Lawyers in Germany (Ones to Watch)/Handelsblatt for Intellectual Property Law and Litigation, 2025
- Fuchs, Stellungnahme G 1/15 der Grossen Beschwerdekammer des Europäischen Patentamts – Teilpriorität «entgiftet» Teil- und Stammanmeldungen, in sic! 2017, p. 388 et seq.
- Fuchs, Giftige Teilanmeldungen und Teilprioritäten, Heymanns Schriften zum Patentrecht, Vol. 6 (Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2016)
- Stief/Fuchs, Developments since Huawei Technologies v ZTE, in Managing IP (January 2017)
- Stief/Fuchs, CJEU Requirements in FRAND Cases, in Managing IP (October 2016)
- Stief/Fuchs, BGH “Filmscanner” Judgment Reviewed, in Managing IP (September 2016 )
- Fuchs/Haedicke, Amicus-Curiae-Brief on the pending referral before EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal G 1/15
- Haedicke/Fuchs, Geistiges Eigentum und Kartellrecht: Übungsfall: Patenkriege und der FRAND-Einwand, in JURA 2014, p. 305 et seq.