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Goralnik, Nathan

Nathan Goralnik

Of Counsel
Direct Tel: +1 212-849-7049
Los Angeles
Tel: +1 213 443 3000 Fax: +1 213 443 3100

Nate Goralnik is Of Counsel in the firm’s New York office. He is an accomplished litigator, with experience in a wide range of complex commercial matters, including cases involving multibillion-dollar valuation disputes, structured financial products, commodities, interest rate manipulation, mergers and acquisitions, and cross-border restructuring transactions.

Nate’s experience spans a wide swath of financial asset classes, including cryptocurrency, investment funds, equity options, convertible debt, mortgage-backed securities, interest rate and inflation derivatives, commodity derivatives, credit default swaps, variable rate demand obligations, an aircraft securitization, and fiduciary accounts.

Nate has been deeply involved in “busted deal” litigation amid the COVID-19 pandemic, including matters on behalf of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund and Advent International.  He has represented Lehman Brothers in high-stakes disputes involving complex financial products, including against JPMorgan, Citibank, Credit Suisse, and AG Financial Products.  Nate has been at the forefront of litigation in the energy market, taking a leading role in a host of matters following Winter Storm Uri and the Getty Petroleum Marketing and Sabine bankruptcies.  In 2023, Nate was named a “Rising Star” in the Energy practice area by Law360.

In 2019, Nate won a groundbreaking victory on behalf of artists’ rights in Lala Abaddon v. Castor Gallery, the first decision to award an artist punitive damages and attorney’s fees under New York’s art consignment statute, which paved the way for other victories by similarly situated artists.  The same year, Nate successfully defended tennis champion Naomi Osaka against a lawsuit filed by her former coach.

Prior to joining the Firm, Nate was a consultant at the Monitor Group.  Nate is a graduate of Yale Law School, where he was an editor of the Yale Law Journal.  He graduated from Brown University magna cum laude.  He has published on topics in financial services and bankruptcy law.

  • Yale Law School
    (J.D., 2012)
  • Brown University
    (A.B., Political Science, magna cum laude, 2006)
    • Phi Beta Kappa
  • The State Bar of New York
  • The State Bar of California
  • United States District Court:
    • Southern District of New York
  • Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
    • Summer Associate (2011)
  • Law360 “Rising Stars” Energy, 2023
  • Daniel L. Brockett, Jeremy Andersen, and Nathan Goralnik, End of LIBOR Presents Litigation Risk for Dealmakers, Law360 (March 11, 2020)
  • Nathan Goralnik, Bankruptcy-Proof Finance and the Supply of Liquidity, 122 Yale L.J. (2012)
  • Nathan Goralnik, The Over-Encumbered Trade-in in Chapter 13, 29 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 15 (2012)