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Pody, Dominic J.

Dominic J. Pody

Of Counsel
Direct Tel: +1 212-849-7144
New York
Tel: +1 212 849 7000 Fax: +1 212 849 7100

Dominic Pody is an Of Counsel in Quinn Emanuel’s New York office. His practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, securities class actions, and international arbitration on both sides of the “V.”  Dominic has deep standup experience in the federal and state courts of New York and Delaware, as well in as multiple international arbitration hearings, for clients in a variety of industries. 

Dominic’s plaintiff-side practice includes representing a class of shareholders in the Dell Class V litigation, which settled for $1 billion in cash—a record in the Delaware Court of Chancery—and for which Dominic’s team received The American Lawyer’s “Litigators of the Week” award.  For defendants, Dominic has helped secure several notable victories, including reversal by the Delaware Supreme Court of a fraud verdict totaling over $100 million, and a pennies-on-the-dollar settlement of a breach of non-disclosure agreement claim alleging over $80 million in damages.

As an associate, Dominic was named a “Legal Lion of the Week” by Law360 in 2023—a rarity for associates—for a victory in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, confirming an arbitration award in a bet-the-company case for a client in the energy sector.

  • University of Virginia School of Law
    (J.D., 2015)
    • Virginia Journal of International Law:
      • Managing Editor
  • George Mason University
    (B.A., Government and International Politics, cum laude, 2012)
  • The State Bar of New York
  • United States District Court:
    • Southern District of New York