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Summers, Zach
Direct Tel: +1 (213) 443 3248
Los Angeles
Tel: +1 213 443 3000 Fax: +1 213 443 3100

Zach Summers is a partner in Quinn Emanuel’s Los Angeles Office. Zach focuses on technology-related litigation with an emphasis on complex patent trials. Zach has represented clients such as the Broad Institute, VIZIO, Samsung, MediaTek, Google, Motorola, Cree, and Everlight Electronics at trial and in the ITC. Zach was named a “Litigator of the Week” by The American Lawyer Litigation Daily for his work for the Broad Institute on CRISPR-Cas9.

Zach provides efficient, effective representation that aims for the earliest possible successful resolution of a case, whether that be through dismissal, settlement following favorable developments in claim construction or discovery, summary judgment, or full jury trial. Zach has extensive experience in every aspect of case development, with an emphasis on initial case evaluation and strategy, Markman briefing, expert management, depositions, pre-trial briefing, and trial examinations.

Zach was previously stationed in Quinn Emanuel’s New York Office.

  • Representing the Broad Institute in multiple on-going CRISPR-Cas9 patent interference proceedings, including successfully defending Broad’s foundational CRISPR-Cas9 patents in an Interference against CVC.
  • Representing Bard Dickinson in concurrent district court and IPR proceedings related to surgical prep products.
  • Successfully defended VIZIO in multiple patent infringement cases in the Central District of California, including a complete victory on summary judgment in a three patent case and successful defense on appeal.
  • Successfully defended Samsung against Apple in a follow-up patent infringement trial in the Northern District of California (Apple v. Samsung II) and the subsequent appeal of Markman and infringement issues.
  • Successfully defended MediaTek against NXP at the ITC in a case involving various semiconductor technologies. 
  • Represented LED manufacturer Cree at the ITC in a case involving LED technology and patents, including securing terminating sanctions in favor of Cree’s false advertising claims.
  • Defended LED company Everlight in a patent infringement action in the Eastern District of Michigan involving semiconductor and phosphor patents, invalidating the asserted claims of two heavily-licensed white-light LED patents on obviousness and enablement grounds in a jury trial.
  • Represented Motorola in district court proceedings and an ITC trial against Apple in a case involving wide range of patents and smartphone and wireless technologies.
  • Drafted briefing for appeal in prosecution of key patent for Moldex related to mask technology.
  • Yale Law School
    (J.D., 2007)
  • Illinois Wesleyan University
    (B.A., summa cum laude, English Literature and Religion, 2003)
  • The State Bar of California
  • The State Bar of New York
  • Practical Law:
    • Senior Legal Editor, 2015-2018
  • Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP:
    • Associate, 2010-2015
  • Irell & Manella LLP:
    • Associate, 2007-2010
  • Ranked by Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators in America, Technology Litigation, esp. Patent Trials, 2025
  • Ranked by Lawdragon 500 “Next Generation” in Technology Litigation, esp. Patent, 2023
  • Named “Litigator of the Week” by The American Lawyer Litigation Daily
  • Presenter, A Practical Start to Your Legal Career: Intellectual Property and Technology (Practical Law Podcast, 2018)
  • Author, 10 Things to Know About Patent Litigation (Above the Law, 2016)
  • Author, Top Ten Reasons to Update Your Corporate IP and Information Strategy (Association of Corporate Counsel, 2016)
  • Moderator, Webinar: Best Practices and Hot Topics in Section 337 Patent Litigation at the International Trade Commission (Practical Law Web Seminar, 2016)
  • Author of various Practical Law resources, including Practical Law resources on patent trial practice, prior art development, expert depositions and examinations, and Section 101 briefing.
  • Member, Los Angeles Intellectual Property Association