Dr. Simon Weber is an associate in Quinn Emanuel’s Zurich office. Simon’s practice focuses on complex multi-jurisdictional disputes as well as commercial and investment arbitrations. Simon also regularly represents UHNWIs in commercial and general private client disputes.
His areas of specialisation include energy and infrastructure projects, long-term delivery and sales contracts, disputes involving the financial industry, investment disputes, and global estate and trust disputes. In addition to performing counsel work, Simon also acts as tribunal secretary. He is a member of the International Arbitration Group and has experience in arbitrations under the ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, PCA, and LCIA Rules, and has also been involved in ECT arbitrations. Trained as a German and French lawyer, Simon is an admitted solicitor of England & Wales and registered in Switzerland under Art. 28 Lawyers Act.
Prior to joining Quinn Emanuel, Simon worked as a research associate for H.E. James R. Crawford and Prof. J. Martin Hunter assisting both in their arbitrations and private research. Simon has worked for leading dispute resolution firms in London and Paris. Currently, he is a member of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), the European Society of International Law (ESIL), Young ICCA, ICC YAF (Young Arbitrators Forum), Young ICSID, Young CIArb, and DIS40.
Simon regularly speaks at international conferences on topics related to international dispute resolution. He frequently publishes in the field, notably, he has assisted Alan Redfern, Martin Hunter, Constantine Partasides, and Nigel Blackaby in the drafting of the 7th edition of the Redfern & Hunter textbook on International Arbitration. Simon has also authored articles on “Arbitration in India”, on good faith in ICC arbitration as well as a piece on moral damages in investment disputes. An article on the 2019 Moroccan Model BIT was published in the ICSID Review. Simon is also the contributor to the World Arbitration Reporter on the Dubai International Arbitration Centre. Generally, in his research Simon focuses on international dispute resolution in public international law and multi-jurisdictional commercial matters.
Simon holds a Licence en Droit from the Université Paris Nanterre, an LL.B. from the University of Potsdam as well as a Master 1 from Université Paris Nanterre in international and European law. He read arbitration in a Master 2 at Université Paris Nanterre and international dispute resolution (LL.M.) at King’s College London. He holds a Doctorate from King’s College London, which is on procedural minimum standards under the international rule of law and Article 6(1) ECHR in investment disputes. Previously, Simon has been a recipient of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) Fellowship and the German-French University (Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université Franco-Allemande) Fellowship.
- King’s College London
(Ph.D. in Law/Dr. iur., 2023)
(LL.M., 2017) - University of Potsdam
(LL.B., 2017) - Université Paris Nanterre
(Master 2, 2017)
(Master 1, 2016)
(Licence en droit, 2015)
- Solicitor of England and Wales
- Registered in Switzerland under Art. 28 Lawyers Act
- English
- French
- German
- Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration in Switzerland (together with Simon Vorburger), in: Pitkowitz (ed.), Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration, 2nd ed. Juris 2025
- Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC)
Weber, S., Hunter, J. M., April 2023, World Arbitration Reporter 2nd ed - Chapter 11: Unleash the liger: The nature of the investment court system and its impact on enforcement. Weber, S., 19 Oct 2021 in ‘The EU and the Rule of Law in International Economic Relations’ by Biondi, A. & Sangiuolo, G. (eds.), 1 ed. E Elgar
- Arbitral Awards in Indian Arbitrations
Weber, S., Sasiprabhu, S. & Hunter, M., 31 Mar 2021, Arbitration in India. Hunter, M., Nariman, F., Dave, D. & Paulsson, M. (eds.). 1 ed. Wolters Kluwer - The Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings in India
Weber, S., Hunter, M. & Garg, S., 31 Mar 2021, Arbitration in India. Hunter, M., Nariman, F., Dave, D. & Paulsson, M. (eds.). 1 ed. Wolters Kluwer
- Switzerland’s Quest for a Safe Haven for Crypto Products
Weber, S., Werlen, T., 16 October 2023, In: CapLaw 2023-39 - Digitale Originale dank NFTs? Rechtliche Analyse einer (angeblichen) Revolution, Aref M., Luca Fábián L., Weber S., GesKR 2021, S. 385
- The 2019 Morocco Model BIT: Moving Forwards, Backwards or Roundabout in Circles?
Weber, S., Banerjee, A., 16 Mar 2022, ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, Volume 36, Issue 3, Fall 2021 - What Happened To Investment Arbitration In India?
Weber, S., 27 Mar 2021, In: Kluwer Arbitration Blog. - Demystifying Moral Damages in International Investment Arbitration
Weber, S., 27 Nov 2020, In: The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 19, 3, p. 417–450 - Good Faith in International Arbitration: Comparative Approaches in ICC Awards
Weber, S. & Martinez, J., 1 Jul 2020, In: ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2020. 2020, 2 - Duration of Investor-State Dispute Settlement Proceedings
Weber, S., Hestermeyer, H., Lopez Rodriguez, C., Baltag, C., Álvarez Zárate, J. M., Behn, D., Bonnitcha, J., De Luca, A., Langford, M., Mistelis, L. & Shaffer, G., 1 Jun 2020, In: The Journal of World Investment & Trade. 21, 2-3, p. 300-335 - Jurisdiction ratione materiae’
Weber, S., 1 May 2020, Jus Mundi Wiki. Jus Mundi - Open Doors for Small or Medium Sized Enterprises to Investor State Dispute Resolution?
Weber, S., 24 Jan 2019, Wolters Kluwer. - Digging Deeper: Summary of the Hearing before the CJEU in the Achmea Case
Weber, S. & Cavedon, A., 29 Nov 2018, European Investment Law and Arbitration Review. Lavranos, N. & Mistelis, L. (eds.). Brill Nijhoff, Vol. 3. p. 225-241