Henning Wienstroth is a German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt) in our Hamburg office. He has broad litigation experience, including in the areas of antitrust, securities/capital markets, and general commercial litigation, as well as in regulatory investigations.
In the antitrust area, Henning has advised clients in investigations by the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) and the European Commission, as well as in private antitrust cases (such as follow-on and stand-alone damages cases), covering all aspects of German and European competition law. He has also advised clients on the intersection of intellectual property and antitrust law.
In the securities/capital markets field, Henning has represented investors in various “bet-the-company” cases, such as in one of the largest securities litigation cases in Germany and a high-stakes case in connection with the privatization of a former state-owned bank.
Henning also has wide-ranging experience in internal investigations and has successfully advised clients in corresponding regulatory disputes with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Henning studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany, and at the University of Cambridge in England. After his studies he worked as a research and teaching assistant at Bucerius Law School. He completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Appellate Court (Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht) in Hamburg. He is a member of the Hamburg bar association (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer). Henning joined Quinn Emanuel in 2013.
- Various plaintiffs in cartel/antitrust damages litigation following from anti-competitive agreements concerning card payment fees.
- A large German automobile manufacturer in various cartel/antitrust damages cases in connection with the automotive supplier cartels.
- Various further plaintiffs and defendants in cartel/antitrust damages litigation following from European and German cartels.
- A group of international and national investors in a multibillion capital markets litigation against Volkswagen and Porsche following from the “Dieselgate” scandal.
- A group of international Tier 1 bondholders in litigation against HSH Nordbank AG (now: Hamburg Commercial Bank AG).
- Various international investors in connection with investments in European real estate funds.
- A privately owned bank where QE obtained a full withdrawal of regulatory action already implemented by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.
- A group of shipping companies in the context of a regulatory banking investigation.
- Various Swiss financial institutions in connection with their participation in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tax Program for Swiss bank.
- Accounting & Financial Reporting Litigation
- Antitrust & Competition
- Appellate Practice
- Class Action Litigation
- Commercial Litigation
- Corporate Governance Litigation
- Environmental Litigation
- Global Asset Recovery Practice
- Government & Regulatory Litigation
- Hedge Fund Litigation
- International Disputes
- Internet Litigation
- Investigations, Government Enforcement & White Collar Criminal Defense Practice
- Investment Advisor & Asset Manager Litigation
- Investment Fund Litigation
- Litigation Representing Plaintiffs
- Entertainment & Media Litigation
- Private Equity Fund Litigation
- Product Liability & Mass Torts Litigation
- Representing Pension Funds, Other Managed Funds, and Government Agencies as Plaintiffs
- Section 1782
- Securities Litigation
- Shareholder Activist Litigation
- Sovereign Wealth Fund Litigation
- Legal clerkship at Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht (Hanseatic Appellate Court), Hamburg
(2nd State Examination, with distinction, 2013) - Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, and University of Cambridge, England
(1st State Examination, with distinction, 2010)
- The German Bar (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg)
- German
- English
- Ranked in Litigation by The Best Lawyers in Germany: Ones to Watch, 2023 - 2024
- GCR Know How IP & Antitrust 2016: Germany, co-author with Nadine Herrmann, Global Competition Review (September 2016)
- EU: IP & Antitrust, The European, Middle Eastern and African Antitrust Review 2017, co-author with Nadine Herrmann, Global Competition Review (August 2016)
- GCR Know-how, IP & Antitrust: Germany, co-author with Nadine Herrmann and Catherine Manley, Global Competition Review (September 2015)
- Internetregulierung im Lichte des Zensurverbots (Internet regulation and censorship ban),Bucerius Law Journal, pages 98-104 (2009)
- Member, Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht
- Member, Competition Litigation Forum
- Member, GRUR