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Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP Representing Union Square Park Coalition in Restaurant Appeals Case

Firm News

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP is representing The Union Square Park Communities Coalition (USCC) and several individuals in an appeal in the New York Court of Appeals, adverse to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.  The appeal is being argued in Albany on Tuesday, January 14th and concerns whether the City’s proposed installation of a restaurant and bar in the Union Square Park Pavilion building requires approval by the New York State Legislature, pursuant to New York’s longstanding  public trust doctrine. 
The lower court held that state legislative approval is likely required, but the intermediate appellate court reversed and ordered dismissal of USCC’s complaint.  USCC’s appeal to the New York Court of Appeals seeks to overturn that ruling and reinstate the complaint for further proceedings.
The Quinn Emanuel team is led by partner Sanford (Sandy) Weisburst.

About The Union Square Park Community Coalition The Union Square Park Community Coalition, Inc., (USCC), was established in 1981 with the purpose of helping to return the park from its dramatic deterioration to its historically significant role as one of the great open spaces in New York City.  USCC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that also sponsors a street fair, community forums, and other events throughout the year. It is governed by a board of directors that meets once a month. A general membership meeting is held annually.