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Scott Watson Named a Law360 “Rising Star” in Intellectual Property


Law360 has named Los Angeles partner Scott Watson a 2015 Intellectual Property “Rising Star.” Mr. Watson had a key role in defending against Apple’s “holy war”—Steve Jobs’s words—on the Android smartphone operating system. Mr. Watson significantly contributed to Samsung’s victory in the face of allegations that it infringed five patents and owed Apple $2.2 billion in damages. Mr. Watson and Quinn Emanuel convinced the jury that two of Apple’s patents were not infringed and that Apple’s damages were less than 5.5% of the amount Apple sought. The trial team further convinced the jury that Apple itself was an infringer, having used technology covered by one of Samsung’s asserted patents. Law360 “Rising Stars” are selected from a highly competitive group, making Mr. Watson one of the nine foremost up-and-coming IP attorneys under 40. In addition to IP litigation, Mr. Watson practices in the areas of antitrust litigation, trade secret litigation, and significant business disputes.