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Quinn Emanuel Brings Litigation Expertise to Emerging Cannabis Industry

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Extending its litigation expertise to a burgeoning U.S. industry, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan announced the formation of its Cannabis Litigation Practice Group today, catering to the needs of cannabis industry players involved in commercial disputes. Robert J. Becher, a partner in the firm’s Los Angeles office, will serve as Chair of the group, which includes over a dozen partners across six different offices.

“We are the world’s top litigation firm, and we have always been at the forefront of disputes involving emerging and innovative industries,” said Quinn Emanuel founder John B. Quinn. “It is only natural for the firm to establish itself as the preeminent expert in this field.”

Eleven states and the District of Columbia have now legalized cannabis for adult recreational use; another 33 states permit medical use of cannabis in varying degrees and circumstances. Last year, the sector generated an estimated $10.4 billion and created 250,000 jobs; it is expected to attract $16 billion in investment this year in North America.

“We are uniquely positioned to become the leader in high-stakes, bet-the-company litigation for this industry. The creation of this group solidifies our commitment to our cannabis industry clients and positions us to stay on pace with this rapidly growing industry,” Becher said. “Not surprisingly, the tremendous growth and success of the cannabis industry has been accompanied by an uptick in litigation, and we will continue to be the fiercest advocates for our clients in this space,” Becher added.

Quinn Emanuel is already representing clients in multiple high-stakes cannabis cases, including retailers, private equity firms, CEOs, corporate board members and a pharmaceutical company.