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Quinn Emanuel has been ranked highly in Patexia's 2023 PTAB Intelligence Report for the fifth consecutive year

Awards, Firm News

Quinn Emanuel has been ranked highly in Patexia's 2023 PTAB Intelligence Report for the fifth consecutive year. The firm's practice has been recognized in various categories, including being ranked among the top ten law firms for "Most Active Law Firms Representing Patent Owner" (ranked 9th) and "Most Active Law Firms Overall" (ranked 8th).

Additionally, James Glass, Partner and Chair of Quinn Emanuel's Post-Grant patent practice, has been acknowledged for his exceptional work and expertise - ranking among the top ten attorneys for "Most Active Attorneys Representing Petitioners" (ranked 8th) and "Most Active Attorneys Overall" (ranked 6th).

This report encompasses all PTAB proceedings filed, expanding coverage beyond the usual Inter Partes Reviews (IPR) and including Post Grant Reviews (PGR), Covered Business Methods (CBM), and Derivation proceedings (DER).

We are proud of our team's hard work and dedication to providing excellent legal services to our clients. Learn more about our Post-Grant Practice.