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Quinn Emanuel Partner Kathleen M. Sullivan to Speak at PLI’s Communications Law in the Digital Age 2018


Partner Kathleen M. Sullivan will be speaking on the “First Amendment Jurisprudence” panel at PLI’s Communications Law in the Digital Age seminar among other top litigators. This conference will discuss how media and communication law are overcoming daily obstacles arising from digital and social media evolving. Because of these changes, First Amendment, defamation, privacy, intellectual property, newsgathering, right of publicity, and reporter’s privilege law are constantly changing. This unique, comprehensive program will discuss a multitude of topics involving the legal, strategic, and practical knowledge necessary to remain current within these areas of law. The event welcomes in-house counsel, firm attorneys, and individuals whose professions involve First Amendment law, privacy law, media and telecommunications, and corporate compliance.

For more information and event details, click here.

When: November 8th – 9th beginning at 8:45 am
Where: PLI New York Center, 1177 Avenue of the Americas, (2nd floor), entrance on 45th Street, New York, New York 10036.
Registration: Please click here.
CLE Credit: CLE credit will be provided.