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Quinn Emanuel Successfully Represents a Cat Owner after a Harrowing Near-Fatal Accident

Firm News

Quinn Emanuel announces a victory for cat lovers! New York Associate Sophie Hill and Summer Associate Danielle Zoellner worked together on a pro bono case to return a cat, Murchik, to his rightful owner, Eva, after a harrowing near-death accident that resulted in surgery.

After Covid left Eva without a job and apartment, Eva was forced into a homeless shelter that was unsafe for cats. An acquaintance of Eva’s, Olga, offered to care for Murchik while Eva hunted for a job and an apartment. While in Olga’s care, Murchik plummeted the five stories from her apartment to the street below, narrowly avoiding death.

Even with this tragic incident, Olga would not relinquish Murchik, forcing Eva to search for legal means to return him back into her custody. Hill and Zoellner picked up the case and brought it to trial on June 5th where Zoellner, during her first week as a QE summer associate, conducted the direct examination of the first trial witness. On July 21st, after hearing the facts the two associates brought to the court, the Judge ordered Murchik’s return to Eva and extinguished any and all perceived rights of Olga. 

The successful team was supervised by Partner Katie Lemire and included Managing Attorney Anthony Staltari, Assistant Managing Clerk Robert Andon, Summer Associate Luke Cronin, and Secretaries Rebecca Levenfeld and Mona Peng.


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