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Quinn Emanuel to Represent Ukraine in Inter-State Proceedings Against Russia Before European Court of Human Rights

Firm News

Quinn Emanuel is honoured to have been appointed as counsel by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in respect of the inter-state proceedings being brought by Ukraine against the Russian Federation under the European Convention on Human Rights arising out of Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and unlawful acts of aggression and invasion of the sovereign territory of Ukraine. 

Quinn Emanuel lead partners Alex Gerbi and Julianne Hughes Jennett and their team will be assisted in this most important mandate by counsel teams at both Blackstone Chambers, led by Timothy Otty QC, and Twenty Essex Street, led by Guglielmo Verdirame QC. 

Ukraine and its legal team are deeply committed to ensuring that Russia’s egregious conduct is subjected to full scrutiny before the Strasbourg Court and that Russia is held to account for its heinous ongoing breaches of the most fundamental rules of international law which are causing such devastation to Ukraine and its people.