Quinn Emanuel secured a significant victory for Vimeo, the well-known video-hosting platform, in a pivotal copyright case decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. This legal battle dates back to 2009 when record labels and music publishing companies brought copyright claims in an attempt to compel Vimeo to actively monitor and remove user-uploaded videos featuring allegedly infringing music. The Vimeo defense was led by Partner Todd Anten along with now-retired Partner Kathleen Sullivan, Partner Rachel Herrick Kassabian, Partner Owen Roberts and Of Counsel Jessica Rose.
In a unanimous and cutting-edge ruling, the Second Circuit rejected the music industry’s copyright claims, agreeing with Vimeo that it is protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The Court determined that platforms such as Vimeo, which host user-generated content, cannot lose safe harbor from copyright claims under the DMCA merely because its staff may have encountered a video containing music. This ruling also lays down an important principle: merely curating content to foster an online environment that users find engaging does not establish a “right and ability to control” users’ activities. This significant victory reinforces the critical importance of safeguarding creativity and expression in the digital landscape. Congratulations to the Quinn Emanuel team!