Quinn Emanuel Germany successfully defended Cisco in proceedings for alleged patent infringement. On February 11, 2015 the Appellate Court Karlsruhe, Germany handed down its decision in the matter of Linksmart Wireless Technology LLC v. Deutsche Telekom, confirming full dismissal of the case for lack of infringement. Linksmart, accused all public internet hotspots maintained by Deutsche Telekom in Germany (e.g., on trains, airports, etc.) to infringe the German part of its European Patent EP 1 076 975 B1 on a “User specific automatic data redirection system” for controlling internet traffic.
As Cisco supplied part of the accused infrastructure to Deutsche Telekom, it decided to join the infringement proceedings as a third party intervenor to support Deutsche Telekom. Quinn Emanuel led by Dr. Marcus Grosch convinced the Appellate Court to confirm full dismissal of the case as established by the District Court. The decision is subject to a further appeal.eal.