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January 2013: Two Quick Victories at the ITC

January 2013

In two unrelated investigations before the International Trade Commission, the firm achieved termination based on the complainants’ voluntary withdrawal of their investigations against our clients. In Inv. No. 337-TA-815, Quinn Emanuel represented Sony against patent infringement allegations by an Arizona-based digital projector company called Compound Photonics. Compound Photonics filed a Complaint in the ITC to exclude Sony’s ultra-high-end digital cinema and home theater projectors from importation in the United States. Compound Photonics’ withdrawal and request for termination came just weeks before trial and after discovery and pre-hearing briefing had been done. On the verge of trial, the ALJ issued two orders both in Sony’s favor—one in which we were able to strike Compound Photonics’ validity and domestic industry arguments and the other in which we defeated Compound Photonics’ attack on our invalidity positions. Upon receipt of the orders, Compound Photonics’ counsel informed Sony of its intent to drop its ITC case in its entirety. In Inv. No. 337-TA-848, Peregrine Semiconductor withdrew its complaint against our clients RF Micro Devices, Motorola Mobility and HTC mid-way through discovery, after the ITC staff agreed to our claim construction positions on the asserted patents. Facing the likelihood that its patents would be found invalid or non-infringed, Peregrine walked away from its case.