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Announcement: January 2019: Quinn Emanuel Mourns the Loss of Partner Steve Anderson

January 01, 2019
Business Litigation Reports

   On December 27, 2018, Quinn Emanuel lost a   friend and long-time partner Steve Anderson. Steve   graduated from Harvard Law School in 1989 and   joined the firm in 1994 when the firm had 30   attorneys. He was a founding member of the firm’s   patent practice, which he helped to grow in his 24   years at the firm. Steve was a gifted patent litigator   with a background in computer sciences. Steve was   smart, pragmatic, athletic, adventurous, and a fierce competitor. He loved boating, flying helicopters, and being surrounded by family and friends. For the past 15 years he displayed indomitable courage and determination fighting illness, while continuing to contribute to the firm’s success and enjoying life. He leaves behind his wife Michelle and their daughter Sydney. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.