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Announcement: November 2018: Quinn Emanuel Has the Most Supreme Court Cases Argued by Women Among Top Law Firms Over the Past Ten Terms

November 01, 2018
Business Litigation Reports

The firm has been recognized for having the most oral arguments before the Supreme Court by female attorneys within the last ten terms. Only seven law firms had at least four oral arguments led by female attorneys, with Quinn Emanuel having the highest number of eight. The research done by Law360 recognizes Quinn Emanuel for championing our female attorneys, with partner Kathleen M. Sullivan arguing the most cases before the Supreme Court at the firm. Law360 also noted that, of the top ten women advocates before the high court in the last decade, Ms. Sullivan was the only one to make all her appearances while in private practice. Ms. Sullivan says that although male advocates have outnumbered women advocates before the Supreme Court to date, “there will be generational change and we’ll see it in the next few years.” See to read the full article.