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U.S. Government to Heighten Enforcement Efforts and Seek Private-Sector Cooperation against Chinese Technology Theft; Spike in Charges Against Companies and Individuals Expected

February 11, 2020
Firm Memoranda

On February 6, 2020, senior government members—including the heads of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and National Counterintelligence and Security Center—as well as Main Justice and line prosecutors, attended and spoke at the China Initiative Conference, hosted in Washington D.C. by foreign policy think tank the Center for Strategic & International Studies.  Discussions at the conference provided key insights into the U.S. Government’s law enforcement priorities for the coming year under the Department of Justice’s China Initiative, which was launched in November 2018 to address threats posed by Chinese efforts to seize and control technologies that are anticipated to shape the future of economic growth.  Attorney General William Barr, who delivered keynote remarks, along with FBI Director Christopher Wray, emphasized the need for cooperation from industry and academia in dealing with the challenge.  The head of Main Justice’s Criminal Division as well as line prosecutors from New York, Boston, Texas, and Alabama advised that a spike in charges can also be expected against companies and individuals suspected of stealing U.S. technology throughout the coming year.

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Sam Williamson
Phone: +1 212 849 7455

Xiao Liu
Phone: +86 21 3401 8766