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Victorious Settlement for Tilray Brands, Inc. and High Park Holdings Ltd.

April 22, 2024
Business Litigation Reports

The firm represented defendants Tilray Brands, Inc. and High Park Holdings Ltd. in a licensing dispute against Docklight Brands, Inc. involving cannabis products sold under the Bob Marley brand. Tilray was accused of causing its subsidiary, High Park Holdings, to breach its contract with Docklight. Both defendants were also accused of withholding royalties allegedly owed to Docklight. Defendants brought counterclaims against Docklight, alleging that Docklight had breached its duty of good faith and fair dealing with respect to its refusal to discuss changes to the royalty rate and termination of the license, had breached the contract between Docklight and the Defendants with respect to certain Right of First Offer provisions, and anticipatorily had breached the contract with respect to Docklight’s termination of the license prior to the annual Royalty Rate Review.  In April 2023, the Bob Marley estate terminated its license with Docklight. Accordingly, in May 2023, Docklight amended its complaint to seek damages for loss of the entire Marley license, increasing its damages demand.

Following Docklight’s amendment, the firm won a string of motions, including a motion to extend the trial schedule, a substantial motion to compel, and a motion to disqualify Docklight’s general counsel because of conflicts arising out of legal services he had provided to Defendants in 2018 and 2019.  As a result of these wins, we renewed our settlement offer, and also agreed to release Docklight’s general counsel.  Docklight accepted the settlement the next day.