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Tahler, Kristin N.

Kristin N. Tahler

Direct Tel: +1 213-443-3615, Direct Fax: +1 213-443-3100
Los Angeles
Tel: +1 213 443 3000 Fax: +1 213 443 3100
New York
Tel: +1 212 849 7000 Fax: +1 212 849 7100

Kristin N. Tahler is a partner in the Los Angeles Office, Chair of the firm's False Claims Act Practice and Co-Chair of the firm's International Disputes: Section 1782 Practice. Her practice focuses on white collar criminal defense, internal investigations, and complex civil matters often related to criminal or quasi-criminal charges or fraudulent conduct. Drawing on extensive and varied litigation experience, Kristin serves as a master strategist who helps clients shape legal approaches to complicated problems. Her clients are often international companies, executives, boards of directors, investors, and ultra-high net-worth individuals who turn to her as counselor to help solve their thorniest legal issues, map out strategies and carry out coordinated plans.

Kristin deploys her acumen around the world, overseeing multi-jurisdictional litigation and strategy in the Middle East, U.K., E.U. and the Cayman Islands, to name just a few examples. A significant portion of her practice includes representing clients from the Middle East, including entities and individuals from Kuwait, the UAE, and other GCC countries.

In her global practice, Kristin helps clients navigate internal and government investigations, government contracts disputes, international arbitrations, and complex transnational matters. She has represented CEOs, CFOs, companies, investment entities, limited partnerships, boards, and special committees of boards, and private clients in a variety of actions. She has vast experience handling internal investigations, government probes, and complex civil complaints. Kristin’s experience is diverse. She has defended clients in criminal and regulatory actions, including involving allegations of insider trading, government contracting fraud, and violations of the securities laws and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Kristin has extensive experience representing defendants in False Claims Act (FCA) litigation, and has also counseled clients in securities, class-action antitrust, and employment litigation. Kristin has pursued and defended defamation actions, including obtaining total victory through summary judgment for a defendant in a multi-year, hotly contested case. Her plaintiff-side work often arises as a complement to a broader affirmative legal strategy on behalf of clients and has included claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and the FCA. In recent years, she also has developed an expertise in seeking discovery in aid of foreign proceedings, including under Section 1782.

In her capacity as a strategist-counselor, Kristin has served as the key legal liaison to corporate monitors installed pursuant to government settlements with her clients. She is frequently tapped to identify, engage and supervise experts and consultants retained during litigation or as part of a client’s overall strategy. This includes crisis management counsel where Kristin, as her clients’ trusted advisor, manages multi-disciplinary teams — often including public relations professionals, investigators — and the range of tactical facets in crisis response.

  • Agility, a Kuwaiti-based, multi-billion dollar integrated logistics company
  • William J. Ruehle, former CFO of Broadcom
  • James V. Mazzo, former CEO of Advanced Medical Optics
  • UBS Securities
  • UBS Financial Services
  • Individuals in connection with criminal and regulatory government investigations
  • Representing Agility, a Kuwaiti-based, leading multinational and multi-billion dollar logistics company against a criminal indictment and civil False Claims Act charges in the largest government contracting cases ever brought by the U.S. government.
  • Represented former CEO in criminal and civil cases involving allegations of insider trading.
  • Defended William J. Ruehle, the former CFO of Broadcom Corporation, in the largest stock options backdating case brought by the federal government, and obtained major victory where District Court Judge Cormac J. Carney in the Central District of California dismissed all criminal and civil charges against Mr. Ruehle, as well as other defendants in separate, but related cases.
  • Defended a key executive of a broker-dealer in a FINRA enforcement action.
  • Represented a top securities firm in a civil fraud action.
  • Represented top securities firm in SEC investigations involving allegations of defrauding investors and failures to supervise.
  • Represented individuals in connection with DOJ investigations involving pharmaceutical companies and allegations of off-label marketing and other violations.
  • University of Southern California, Gould School of Law
    (J.D., 2002)
    • The Southern California Law Review:
      • Senior Editor
  • Princeton University
    (A.B., 1998)
  • The State Bar of California
  • The State Bar of New York
  • United States Court of Appeals:
    • Ninth Circuit
    • Eleventh Circuit
    • Federal Circuit
  • United States District Court:
    • Central District of California
    • Southern District of California
    • Northern District of California
    • Southern District of New York
    • Eastern District of New York
    • District of Columbia
  • United States Court of Federal Claims 
  • Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
    • Counsel, 2012-2015
    • Associate, 2002-2012
  • Selected to the Lawdragon 100 Cayman Lawyers guide, International Disputes, White Collar, Investigations, 2025
  • Selected to the Lawdragon 500 Global Litigation for Global Disputes, esp. White Collar (2021, 2024)
  • “Recent Trends in Government Enforcement in White Collar Defense Cases",Managing White Collar Legal Issues (2014)