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Quinn Emanuel Named a 2024 "Leading Law Firm" for patent litigation in Germany by WirtschaftsWoche

Awards, Firm News

Quinn Emanuel has been named as a “TOP Kanzlei 2024” ("Leading Law Firm 2024") for patent litigation in Germany by business publication WirtschaftsWoche, with partners Dr. Marcus Grosch and Jérôme Kommer each recognized as a “TOP Anwalt 2024” ("Leading Lawyer 2024") in this practice area. This is the 7th time that Marcus has been ranked and the 2nd ranking for Jérôme. Congratulations to both! 

The Handelsblatt Research Institute surveyed more than 1,900 lawyers in 243 law firms, asking the selected lawyers to name their most renowned colleagues. With some of the world’s best known and high-stake patent litigation cases currently playing out in the German courts, this is yet another signal that Quinn Emanuel is the leading firm in the German patent litigation market. 

The rankings were published in the latest edition of WirtschaftsWoche (published on 06.09.2024) and are also available online here.

Read more about our patent litigation practice here.