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The American Lawyer names Dennis Hranitzky, John Bash, and Alex Loomis 'Litigators of the Week'

Awards, Firm News

Congratulations to the Quinn Emanuel trio of Dennis Hranitzky, John Bash, and Alex Loomis who have been named this week’s The American Lawyer "Law Litigators of the Week"!

The case that set them above the rest of this week’s nominees is Attestor Master Value Fund LP et al. v. Republic of Argentina in which—with the help of Kevin Reed, Debra O’Gorman, Jianjian Ye and others—they achieved the unprecedented feat of obtaining a unanimous win in the Second Circuit directing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to turn over to our clients over $300 million in cash, including $50 million held in Germany, to satisfy a longstanding claim against the Republic of Argentina. 

Read the AmLaw article here

Read the judgment here

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